The SARS-CoV-2 is a new virus that belongs to the coronavirus family. It is formed by a positive single stranded RNA. It can cause acute respiratory disease and severe pneumonia in humans. The SARS-CoV-2 virus sequence shows similarities with the beta-coronaviruses found in bats, but they are genetically distinct from other coronaviruses such as SARS Co-V and MERS-CoV but they have similarities that can cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and even death. Today there are several reported sequences of this virus and our kits are designed to detect them allOne Step Bioingentech® qRT-PCR Kits provide components for onestep reverse transcription and quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) in a convenient format that is compatible with both rapid and standard qPCR cycling conditions. Both cDNA synthesis and PCR are performed in a single tube using gene specific primers and either total RNA or mRNA. These one step qRT-PCR kits have been formulated for use with fluorogenic probe-based 5’ nuclease technology probes.
The One qPCR Enzyme Mix includes Reverse Transcriptase, Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor in an optimized formulation, also include Bioingentech® Taq DNA polymerase and all reagents for an optimized qRTPCR.
The SARS CoV-2 (N1 and N2 gene) primer and probe mix provided in the kit hybridize in specific and conserved regions of the virus nucleocapsid (N) gene which are recommended and designed by the CDC and WHO. These genes can be detected through your real time platform by the 5’ nuclease PCR detection method. During PCR amplification, forward and reverse primers hybridize to the SARS CoV-2 target cDNA generated. Fluorogenic probes are detected in two reaction tubes. N1 and N2 genes are amplified and detected in FAM channel. An additional primer/probe set to detect the human RNase P gene (RP) as internal control to monitor PCR inhibition is also included and is detected in FAM channel (see Table 8 and 9). During PCR amplification, the probe is cleaved and the reporter dye and quencher are separated. As a result, a fluorescence increase can be detected on a range of real time PCR platforms through FAM channel.
Our kits also include Positive and Negative Control which are details in FAQ section.
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